Progression Over Tradition: Redefining Health and Performance

Standing in the Eye of the Spiral: Navigating Life's Twists with GT
WARM UP. Good greetings to all the readers. After a few minutes of mindful movement and observing different sensations in my body, I feel as though I am ready to write. Overall this was a very productive week, despite the gym business seeming to take a couple steps backwards. As with any business there is an ebb and flow to growth and consolidation, so I just continue to roll with what the universe provides as an opportunity. There were many great opportunities provided to us this week, including a very unique opportunity to work with a niche group of military and service personnel. We are working on providing them with continual workshops to help them improve their health and longevity while they are constantly having to adapt to potentially deadly situations, daily. This is my opportunity to encourage all of you reading, count your blessings folks, and be sure to keep in mind that many of the battles that some are fighting aren’t as simple as turning the TV OFF. I point to turning the TV OFF as I have often made this suggestion to those around me, that also extends to social media. There really isn’t a great source of major media that provides any sort of wholesome information, nor a strong emphasis on PROGRESSION, there is a consistent effort to remind people “of the good ole days.”
Speaking of progression, let’s move on. I had some great meetings this week to introduce people to a better way, a better path to progressive health, or at least mitigate our environments every effort for regression. Traditional strength training and bodybuilding techniques have a foundation in studying and copying people I refer to as “the exception to the rule.” You know, those one percenters, meaning, those very few humans who have been born with just the right environment to foster exponential growth through their genetics to have exceptional biomechanics and physiques. In the realm of traditional weight lifting, the techniques seem to stem from Olympic lifters, strong men in days of old, and military conditioning programs. Traditional bodybuilding techniques are dominated by chemically enhanced individuals (performance enhancing drugs, steroids). Often both the olympians and professional athletes are also going to chemically enhance their abilities, as a popular competitive quote goes “if you ain’t cheatin’, you aint tryin’.” An entire industry built around these standards and principles has proven to be an unsustainable one, I acknowledge I was once a part of spreading this way of thinking. Luckily I found a company, a brand, that has spoken to the faults in these types of methodologies, its name is Functional Patterns. I got my certification back in 2018 after sitting on the information for a couple years, and now many more years of testing, there really isn’t anything like it. Its emphasis is to prioritize what is referred to as “the big four,” playing on the tradition of “the big three.” These big four are STANDING, WALKING, RUNNING, and THROWING, meaning, if you want better optimal health and longevity, get better at these common human functions. As stated previously, after many years of testing, it really does work to create greater human health it seems, and it is repeatable, meaning, you can repeat this on different people gaining similar results. Less pain, better movement, better athleticism, better muscular growth, what more could a pearson ask for from a performance and physique standard? The methodology really should be the industry standard.
COOLDOWN. Church has been postponed due to rain thus far this morning and perhaps things will clear up this afternoon for us to enjoy our worship. If you get the chance today, go visit momma nature, she’s always waiting and willing to help bring you balance and share her beauty. Living in SoFlo it’s been quite the blessing, not having to adapt to inclement weather and consistent sunshine will do great things for a person's mood. It hasn’t quite taken me out of my cynical mindset for greater global concerns. As one of my favorite comedians George Carlin said “Inside every cynical person is a disappointed idealist.” As a life-long problem solver, it’s difficult to be an idealist. It seems that the greater environment is rigged against problem solving in its essence, meaning, the way humans have decided to organize themselves seems self defeating, rather than making this what could easily be an “Eden.” So I have had to go within, create my own internal Eden, while still having to defend against past, present and future intruders, so is there any peace? For you thinkers, have some fun with that, for those of you who won’t turn the TV OFF, enjoy the buzz!
Take care