Introduction to the blog!

Introduction to the blog!

WARM UP. Good greetings to all my readers. This is my first endeavor into writing, so please bear with me as I explore this new creative outlet. My motivation for this is to share some of my thoughts and ideas, mainly after reading one of my mentors blogs for years (DJ Perry) I felt inspired to begin my journey blogging. Each week I hope to compile a list of previous weeks thoughts and experiences to share with you, with an aim to perhaps give you some perspective on various things I encounter in my life that you may just be able to relate to in some capacity.

It is one of my beliefs that any and anything that you encounter you do have relations with, therefore you could say relationship, or use relativity. A lot of the ways we express our relations are through the use of words. Please bear with me when it comes to my use of wordplay. Playing with words is a lot of fun for me, meaning I may occasionally go off on tangents about words, breaking down their meanings and various hidden foundations in which a word can be viewed from. So as this first blog is meant to be a statement of intentions, etc, I will keep this beginning section brief as of now.

Into my more personal matters, this week has given me a few new opportunities to share with some of my community the gift of health and longevity. I work as what is commonly known as a personal trainer. While that distinction is helpful in normal terms, the term doesn’t really encapsulate all that comes with my services. The foundation of what I attempt to provide people are guidelines to health and longevity, in all aspects of their life, physically first of course, mentally and spiritually. Rarely do I ever get into deep enough relating services to go in depth with spirituality, that’s just too touchy of a subject writhe with people with a very seemingly narrow understanding of the practice of spirituality, often guised as  the word religion. Further blogs perhaps will dive into the subject from my various perspectives, “not today satan!”

This week was actually my first week of returning back to Southern Florida ( commonly known as SoFlo) after 20 days in my hometown in Michigan. I had a gig in Michigan that I had been waiting months for to go play a role in a new feature film called ROM COMES MUST DIE. It is a comedic horror film written by my friend DJ Perry as a spiteful rebuttal to movie execs refusal to fund his other projects which for the lack of better terms were too “high brow.” The experience overall was great. DJ and the tribe CDI have worked hard to collectively bring together some great artists, both talented and compassionate. More words could describe these artists however we aren't here to put together a list of yearbook superlatives. The project itself had its foundations in being a bit hokie, a bit over the top, to really make an emphasis that people and audiences really do deserve more than what their entertainment consumption seems to be per the movie execs statistics. You can follow over on the Facebook page ROM COMS MUST DIE or check on for updates for its release and follow its progress. As stated before it was my return to SoFlo and my, did it feel good.

COOLDOWN. There was a slight problem in returning that I returned sick. I am currently still shaking what remains from the sinus infection I was able to inherit through my travels. After reading a few peoples posts I was able to see I was not the only one who had a “head cold.” I have yet to get sick in the perpetual summers of SoFlo. the only times I have been ill since moving down here were things I brought from MI to SoFlo, can’t recollect a time I have been ill FROM SoFlo. This reinforces my choice of changing my climate as a good choice for my foundation of being healthy and focusing on my longevity. In future blogs I will be more thorough, I will discuss many more topics, share more perspective. For today i will draw this writing to a close and invite you to the next. If for some reason you look for this next week and don't see it, hold me accountable with a DM saying “WHAT’S UP W THE BLOG?” Your collective ability to help me hold myself accountable will be a great way to keep me motivated. Until next week, take care of yourself, your loved ones and the community in general. Remember a friend of mine (Matt Walker) and I’s lifting motto, WORK HARD, REMAIN DEDICATED and SEE RESULTS.

Take Care,
